Speaker: Bill McDaniel
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Bill McDaniel

Senior Researcher
National University of Ireland, Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan
Galway County Galway

Bill McDaniel, edp, has been active in information technology for 33 years. Currently he is the Project Executive for DERI’s eLite eLearning project. Prior to this he was with Adobe Systems as a Sr. Scientist researching emerging technologies and developing a technology strategy for Adobe. Bill has been CTO of several start-up and small software companies, including two of his own. These included companies in such areas as electronic printing, wireless demand chain management, wireless retail loyalty, advanced 2D bar-coding, AI-based military logistics. He also opened the first internet café in North Texas and a digital recording studio. He has co-authored 6 books and several papers and articles on the future impact of technology on people and society and several on semantic web applications in digital libraries, eLearning, and human computer interactions. His current interests are semantic technologies, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, Human-computer interaction and associated areas.

Bill will demonstrate Creating 3D Museums on the Web. [Demonstration]