Speaker: Tom Scheinfeldt
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Tom Scheinfeldt

Managing Director
George Mason University
Center for History and New Media
4400 University Drive
MS 1E7
Fairfax VA
22030 USA

Tom Scheinfeldt is Managing Director of the Center for History and New Media (chnm.gmu.edu) and Research Assistant Professor of History in the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University. Tom received his bachelor's degree from Harvard and his master's and doctoral degrees from Oxford, where his doctoral thesis examined inter-war interest in science and its history in diverse cultural contexts, including museums, universities, Worldís Fairs and the mass media. A research associate at the Smithsonian Institution Archives and a fellow of the Science Museum, London, Tom has lectured and written extensively on the history of popular science, the history of museums, history and new media, and the changing role of history in society, and has worked on traditional exhibitions and digital projects at the Colorado Historical Society, the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford, The Louisiana State Museum, the National Museum of American History, and the Library of Congress. In addition to managing general operations at the Center for History and New Media, Tom directs several of its online history projects, including the September 11 Digital Archive, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, the Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800, and Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives. Tom is Executive Producer of Omeka, an open source web publishing platform for museums, libraries, archives, and scholars (omeka.org). Tom blogs at Found History (foundhistory.org) and co-hosts the Digital Campus podcast (digitalcampus.tv).

Tom will demonstrate Museums in the Clouds: Omeka.net. [Demonstration]