Speaker: Ellen Scheinberg
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Ellen Scheinberg

Ontario Jewish Archives
4600 Bathurst St.
Toronto Ontario
M2R 3V2 Canada

Ellen Scheinberg has been the Director of the Ontario Jewish Archives since the fall of 2002. She holds a B.A. and Masters degrees in history from Queen’s University and a Ph.D. in history from the University of Otttawa. Dr. Scheinberg began her career at the National Archives of Canada (now LAC), serving as an archivist from 1990-2000. She also worked as an information management consultant for over a year. She has published many articles in the areas of women's history, immigration history and archival studies and has served in a variety of capacities with the Archives Association of Canada, the Association of Candadian Archivists and the Canadian Council of Archives.

Ellen will demonstrate Ontario's Small Jewish Communities Virtual Exhibit. [Demonstration]