Speaker: Kelli Landes
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Kelli Landes

Public Program Officer
McCormick Freedom Project
205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 4300
Chicago IL
60601 USA

Kelli Landes is a Public Program Officer at the McCormick Freedom Project, and their main “tweeter.” Her 10 years of museum education experience help her in her role of planning public programming for the Freedom Project, from lectures on Supreme Court cases to pub crawls. In addition, she creates and plans informal public programming for the new mobile museum rolling out this summer from the Project, and also aids in updating the website and Facebook page. She has a BA in English and a Masters in Medieval literature, for some reason.

Kelli will demonstrate A Voice for Freedom: The McCormick Freedom Project's Social Media Experiment. [Demonstration]