Speaker: Christina Olsen
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Christina Olsen

Director of Education and Public Programs
Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Avenue
Portland OR
97205 USA

Dr. Christina Olsen is Director of Education and Public Programs at the Portland Art Museum in Oregon. Before coming to Portland in 2008 she was Program Officer at the Getty Foundation where she oversaw the Getty’s worldwide grants to museums and archives for research and interpretation, oversaw publication of the Getty’s publication LA Art Online: Learning from the Getty’s Electronic Cataloguing Initiative, and launched the Getty's influential Online Scholarly Cataloguing Initiative. For many years she directed the Getty Museum's interactive programs department, and she has lectured and taught on a broad range of topics related to museums, interpretation, and technology. Olsen has a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in Italian Renaissance Art and serves on advisory boards for several local and national organizations including the Creative Advocacy Network, the Right Brain Initiative, and Oregon’s National Art Education Association.

Christina will present Educators, Curators and Docents: Creating Interpretive Resources based on Conversation. [Paper]