April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Exhibitor Briefing Proposal Form

Exhibitor Briefing proposals will only be accepted from confirmed Exhibitors. If you are interested in exhibiting, please review the Exhibitor Information Package (PDF) and return the contract.

All fields in colour are required.

1. About your Proposal

(Only Briefing Proposals from confirmed Exhibitors will be accepted.)
Title : (max 256 characters)
 Site: (the focus of your presentation; record personal Web sites below when you add authors;
proposals must include a URL.)
Keywords: (list six relevant keywords, separated by a comma: e.g. keyword, keyword2)
Abstract: (maximum 500 words; do not repeat the title here)
AV Request:
I will use an MW2010 computer.

All podiums at MW2010 are equipped with a PC and/or Mac with a Web browser, a live connection to the Internet, and a projector and screen appropriate to the size of the audience/room.

I will bring my own computer (described below).

Specify make and model:

You may use your own laptop or other computer to project, if it has standard PC or Mac interfaces (MW2010 will provide cables). You can connect to the Internet of you have a standard IEEE Ethernet port and appropriate TCP/IP software installed (again, we'll provide cables). Bring your own Mac dongle.

Notes: Any notes regarding your proposal:

2. About You


Use the Authors sub-form to enter the authors of your proposal.
If you have more than 5 co-authors, you'll be asked to email the rest.

Begin by choosing "Add Author"

3. Submit

4. Acknowledgment

You will receive an email acknowledging your proposal, sent to the address(es) given in your proposal; if you do not receive this today, please email Please make sure your spam filters deliver email from addresses.

Email is the preferred mode of communication for MW2010. Any questions about your proposal should be sent to

5. Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor Briefing proposals will only be accepted from confirmed Exhibitors. If you are interested in exhibiting, please review the Exhibitor Information Package (PDF) and return the contract.

6. Scheduling

Following a review of your proposal, we will be in touch to confirm scheduling.