April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Workshops: Description

Managing a web project effectively

Mark Hook, Victoria & Albert Museum, United Kingdom
George Crabb, The Other Media, United Kingdom
Richard Morgan, Victoria & Albert Museum, United Kingdom

This half-day workshop is aimed at anyone thinking of redesigning their website, undertaking a major web project or who wishes to share their experience of just having done so.

The workshop will consider how an organisation might plan and managethe process of developing a major web project with an external designagency or internal developers.

Participants in the workshop should expect to learn:

  • How to write a brief
  • How to choose the right people to work with
  • How to be a good client
  • How to best exploit existing resources
  • Strategies for addressing challenges with your content
  • Things to avoid

The workshop will aim to be highly interactive with conceptual information balanced with practical advice and a series of hands-onexercises to explore the techniques discussed.

Participants are invited to present examples of their own experiences and to discuss how to develop strategies and practical steps arisingfrom lessons learnt in those situations.

The content of the workshop will appeal primarily to a non-technical audience.

Workshop: Managing a Web Project [Morning]

Keywords: website, project, design, delivery, web design agencies