April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Demonstrations: Description

SmartVisit: integrating the online and on-site experience

Steven Beasley, Museum of Science and Industry, USA
Scott Beveridge, Museum of Science and Industry, USA

How do you connect a museum’s online experience with a visit to the building in a way that is meaningful to its guests? That is the question the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago started to tackle in 2006. Now, by integrating its exhibits, web site, ticketing, membership and donor systems, the Museum has fulfilled on that goal.

The SmartVisit initiative has several major components: enhanced visit planning, easy ticketing online and on-site, the ability to save pictures, video and other media in exhibits to the Web site, and an online user account that brings together ticketing, membership, donations, visit planning, saved media from exhibits, and a platform for collaboration. Together these capabilities provide a seamless experience before, during and after a visit. At the same time, they create the ability to turn the excitement and inspiration a visitor feels during a trip to the Museum into continued engagement after a visit and into the future.

See a demonstration of SmartVisit, then hear about the process, results and learnings of this major technology, strategy, and user experience initiative.

Demonstration: Demonstrations - III [Close Up]

Keywords: exhibit, barcode, collaboration, scrapbook, extend, take-home