Speaker: Scott Beveridge
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Scott Beveridge

Project Director
Museum of Science and Industry
Business Operations
57th Street & Lake Shore Drive
Chicago IL
60637 USA

Scott Beveridge is the project director for SmartVisit at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. He has enjoyed 17 years developing a variety of interactive experiences ranging from museum exhibits to educational games. He has spent the past twelve years at the Museum of Science and Industry where he has been an exhibit developer, marketing strategy leader and website manager. Scott also worked on the strategy for the Museum’s most recent experience master plan. Before the Museum, Scott worked at ScottForesman where he enjoyed doing instructional and game design, programming and project management for their first interactive CD-ROM titles.

Scott will demonstrate SmartVisit: integrating the online and on-site experience. [Demonstration]