Archives & Museum Informatics








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November 30, 2017 12:56 PM

David Bearman: Publications

Books and Articles

186. 2012 “Museum Information in a Societal Context”, paper presented at 2nd Seminar on Museum Information Services, Sao Paulo Brazil, Sept 26, 2012

185. 2011 w/Jennifer Trant ed., Museums and the Web 2011: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2011

184. 2011 w/Jennifer Trant, “Introduction“, Museums and the Web 2011: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2011, p.3-10

183. 2010 “Revisiting Architectural Strategies for Digital Archives”, International Seminar on The Future of Memory: the Digital Archival Heritage, Galicia, Spain 2010, published in Spanish and Galician in “actas del seminario internacional el futuro de la memoria: el patrimonia archivistico digital, Xunta de Galicia 2011 ISBN 978-84-453-5018-8

182. 2010 “3D Representations in Museums”, Curator v.54#1, p.

181. 2010 w/Jennifer Trant, “On Being Social” Museums and the Web 2010: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2010

180. 2010 w/Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2010: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2010

179. 2010 “How Structural Formalisms in Documentation Reflect Function and Support Meaning“, in Terry Cook, ed, Controlling the Past: Documenting Society and Institutions -- Essays in Honor of Helen Willa Samuel, Society of American Archivists, Chicago, 2010, p.

178. 2010 “Geo-Aware Digital Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Experiences”, in Emmanuel G. Blanchard and Danièle Allard, eds. Handbook of Research on Culturally Aware Information Technology: Perspectives and Models, IGI Global, pp.431-445, 2010

177. 2009 w/Jennifer Trant, “On Being Open” Museums and the Web 2009: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2009

176. 2009 w/Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2009: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2009

175. 2008 w/Jennifer Trant, Introduction to a Special Issue of Museum Management and Curatorship, v.23 p.309-311

174.2008 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2008 Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto, Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2008 and “Technologies, like Museums, are Social”,

173.2008 “Geo-aware Digital Cultural Heritage”, Taiwan National Digital Archive Program Annual Conference, Taipei

172.2007 “Questos Fundamentais em Gestao de Documentos Eletronicos de Arquivo” (Fundamental Issues for Electronic Records Management), in Proceedings, Seminar on Electronic Documents: Management and Preservation, ed. By Marta Eloisa Melgaca Neves and Leandro Ribeiro Negreiros, Belo Horizone Brazil, 2008 (Secretaria deEstado de Cultura Arquivo Publico Mineiro) p.34-48, [podcast and presentation slides at]

171. 2007 with Jennifer Trant, “The eye of the beholder: and social tagging of museum collections” in J. Trant and D. Bearman, Eds. International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting - ICHIM07: Proceedings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Archives & Museum Informatics at

170. 2007 w/ Jennifer Trant, Museum Websites and Digital Collections, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 3rd Edition, ed. By Marcia Bates and Mary Niles Maack (Taylor & Francis, 2009)

169. 2007 with Kati Geber, Enhancing the Role of Cultural Heritage Institutions through New Media: Transformational Agendas and Projects, Proceedings of the Tenth International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting ICHIM07 at; also appeared in slightly different form as “Transforming Cultural Heritage Institutions through New Media”, Museum Management and Curatorship, v.23, (2008), p.385-399

168. 2007 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2007: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2007 and “After the Web Page: The World as a Matrix for Meaning” p.3-11. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

167. 2007 “Addressing Selection and Digital Preservation as Systemic Problems”, in Yola de Lusenet and Vincent Wintermans, eds. Preserving the Digital Heritage: Principles and Policies, European Commission for Preservation and Access, Den Haag, 2007 ISBN 978-90-6984-523-4, pp. 26-44

166. 2006 “Jean-Noël Jeanneney's Critique of Google: Private Sector Book Digitization and Digital Library Policy”, D-Lib Magazine, December 2006, v.12#12

165. 2006 “Moments of Risk: Identifying Threats to Electronic Records”, Archivaria, 62, 2006. Winner of the W. Kaye Lamb Prize for “the Archivaria article that, by its exceptional combination of research, reflection, and writing, most advances archival thinking in Canada.” See

164. 2006 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2006: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2006 and “The Generative Web” p.3-9. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

163. 2006 “Representing Museum Knowledge”, in Paul Marty and Katherine Jones, eds. Museum Informatics, Routledge, London

162. 2006 “Digital Libraries” Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) 2006

161. 2005 w/Jennifer Trant, “Social Terminology Enhancement through Vernacular Engagement: Exploring Collaborative Annotation to Encourage Interaction with Museum Collections” D-Lib Magazine vol 11#9 at

160. 2005 w/Jennifer TrantConverting Scanned Images of the Print History of the World to Knowledge: A Reference Model and Research Strategy”, Russian Digital Libraries Journal, 2005, Vol. 8 # 5,

159. 2005 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2005: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2005 and “Introduction” p.3-8. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

158. 2004 “Sustaining Culture, Enhancing Life: User Requirements for Cultural Heritage” Strategies for a European Area of Digital Cultural Resources. Towards a Continuum of Digital Heritage, European Conference. Den Hague. The Netherlands, September 15-16, 2004 (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands), p.36-50, also at

157. 2004 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2004: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2004 and “Museums and the Web: Maturation, Consolidation and Evaluation” p.3-8. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

156. 2003 “Representing Cultural Knowledge for Museum Databases” Musee, #61, 2003.11.15 p.9-13 (In Japanese)

155. 2003 “The Economics of Publishing Cultural Heritage Content Online: The AMICO Experience”, in Proceedings of ICHIM03, Paris, 2003. See

154. 2003 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2003: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2003 and “Familiarity Breeds Content: knowledge and effect in museums on the Web”, with Jennifer Trant p. 3-8. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

153. 2002 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2002: Selected Papers from an international conference. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002 and “Cyberspace in Our Space”, with Jennifer Trant .3-8. Full Proceedings on CD and at and introduction at

152. 2002 “Issues in Structuring Knowledge and Services for Universal Access to Online Science and Culture”

151. 2002 w/Jennifer Trant , “Educational Use of Museum Multimedia The AMICO Library™”, Visual Resources Association Bulletin. Winter 2002

150. 2002 “Open concepts: museum digital documentation for education through The AMICO Library”, w/ Jennifer Trant and Kelly Richmond. Art Libraries Journal, Volume 27, No. 2, p.30-42

149. 2001 “Electronic Recordkeeping, Social Memory and Democracy in Refiguring the Archives” in Carolyn Hamilton, Verne Harris eds. Refiguring the Archive, Kluwer, 2003 p.323-332

148. 2001 Ed. with Franca Garzotto, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting: Proceedings from ichim01. Milano, Italy: Politecnico di Milano and Archives & Museum Informatics, 2001. Also available at and Introduction at

147. 2001 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2001: Selected Papers from an international conference. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2001 and “The Web as a Fact of Museum Life” with Jennifer Trant p.3-8. Full Proceedings on CD and at and Introduction at

146. 2000 Ed. with Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 2000: Selected Papers from an international conference., Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2000 and “Reaching Audiences and Assessing Results” with Jennifer Trant p.3-9. Full Proceedings on CD and at and Introduction at

145. 2000 “Intellectual Property Conservancies”, D-Lib Magazine 6 (December 2000).

144. 2000 ed. Section and authored w/Jennifer Trant, “When Museum Informatics Meets the World Wide Web”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, vol. 51#1, Jan. 2001, pp.3-56

143. 1999 ed. w/Jennifer Trant, Cultural Heritage Informatics ’99, Selected papers from ICHIM99 (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics) 1999. Introduction at

142. 1999 “Reality and Chimeras in the Preservation of Electronic Records”, D-Lib Magazine, vol5#4;

141. 1999 w/Jennifer Trant, “Interactivity Comes of Age: Museums and the Web at Five”, Bulletin of ASIS

140. 1999 Museums and the Web 1999: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with Jennifer Trant, (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics) and “Interactivity Comes of Age: Museums and the Web at Five” with Jennifer Trant p. 9-12; Full Proceedings on CD and at and Introduction at

139. 1999 w/ Eric Miller, Godfrey Rust, Jennifer Trant, Stuart Weibel, “A Common Model to Support Interoperable Metadata: Progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from the Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI Communities”, D-Lib Magazine, v.5#1;

138. 1998 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Economic, Social, Technical Models for Digital Libraries of Primary Resources", New Review of Information Networking #4, 1998 p.71-91.

137. 1998 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Unifying Cultural Memory," Information Landscapes for a Learning Society, 1998.

136. 1998 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Authenticity of Digital Resources: Towards a Statement of Requirements in the Research Process", D-Lib Magazine, June 1998 (ISSN 1082-9873) www.dlib/org/dlib/june98/06/bearman.html

135. 1998 ed. w/ Jennifer Trant, Museums and the Web 1998: Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA; Archives & Museum Informatics, 1998

134. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Beyond Simple Resource Discovery: A framework for metadata declarations of disciplinary schema to support research in heterogeneous collections," International Symposium on Information Technology in Museums - Integrated Applications, Bonn, Germany, December 1-2, 1997 in Hermann Schaeffer ed., Informationstechnologie im Museum, Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepubik Deitschland (Nicolai, Berlin) 1999 p.20-4 in German

133. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant "The Art Museum Image Consortium: Licensing Museum Digital Documentation for Educational Use," D-Lib Magazine, September 1997.

132. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant, "The Art Museum Image Consortium: Licensing Museum Digital Documentation for Educational Use", Spectra, Fall 1997.

131. 1997 ed. w/ Jennifer Trant, Museum Interactive Multimedia 1997: cultural heritage systems design and interfaces, Selected Papers from ICHIM’97, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics.

130. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Electronic Records Research Working Meeting May 28-30, 1997: A Report from the Archives Community", ASIS Bulletin, December 1997.

129. 1997 ed. and Introduction w/ Jennifer Trant Museums and the Web 97: Selected Papers, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1997.

128. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant "Electronic Records Research Working Meeting, May 28-30, 1997: A Report from the Archives Community" D-Lib Magazine, July/August 1997.

127. 1997 "Electronic Records Research Issues: A Decade of Refining Problem Statements", Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11:3-4, p.205-211

126. 1997 “Capturing records’ metadata: unresolved questions and proposals for research”, Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11:3-4, p.271-276

125. 1997 w/ Jennifer Trant, "Electronic Records Research: Towards Testable Specificity" Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11:3-4, 1997.

124. 1997 "How the Information Revolution might effect us professionally", Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, Vol. 22, p.38-55

123. 1996 "Possible Contributions of the Reference Model of Metadata Required for Evidence to a Reference Model of Metadata Required for Image Description", Archives & Museum Informatics, vol.10 #3, p.295-302

122. 1996 "Item Level Control and Electronic Recordkeeping", Archives & Museum Informatics, vol.10, #3, p.195-245

121. 1996 "Multimedia in Museums: A Bibliographic Essay", Museum Multimedia Handbook (ICOM-CIDOC, Paris, 1996)

120. 1996 "The Electronic Visual Arts (EVA) Conferences 1993-1996", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.10 #2, p.104-132

119. 1996 "The State of Electronic Records Management Worldwide", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.10#1, p.3-40

118. 1996 with Jennifer Trant, "Museums and Intellectual Property: Rethinking Rights Management for a Digital World", Visual Resources, vol.12 p.269-279

117. 1996 with Wendy Duff, "Grounding Archival Description in the Functional Requirements for Evidence", Archivaria, #41, Spring 1996, p.275-303 see

116. 1996 "New Economic Models for Administering Cultural Intellectual Property", in Kathy Jones-Garmil ed., The Wired Museum, Washington DC, American Association of Museums, 1997, p.231-265; also in Proceedings of the EVA/Florence Conference February 9, 1996

115. 1996 "Overview and Discussion Points", Research Agenda for Networked Cultural Heritage, David Bearman editor (Santa Monica CA, Getty Art History Information Program, 1996) p.7-22

114. 1996 "Archiving and Authenticity", Research Agenda for Networked Cultural Heritage, David Bearman editor (Santa Monica CA, Getty Art History Information Program, 1996) p.63-67

113 1995 "Standards for Networked Cultural Heritage", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.9 #3, p.279-307

112. 1995 "Data Relationships in the Documentation of Cultural Objects", Visual Resources, v.11, p.295-306

111. 1995 ed., Hands On: Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums, Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1995 293pp.

110. 1995 ed., Multimedia Computing in Museums, Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1995 388pp.

109. 1995 "Information Strategies and Structures for Electronic Museums", Information: The Hidden Resource, Museums and the Internet. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the MDA, 1995 ed. by Anne Fahy and Dr. Wendy Sudbury (Cambridge, UK, Museum Documentation Association, 1995) p.5-22

108. 1995 "Museum Strategies for Success on the Internet", Museum Collections and the Information Superhighway (London, Science Museum, 1995) p.15-27; also published in Spectra, vol.22#4 p.18-24

107. 1995 w/ Ken Sochats, " Metadata Requirements for Evidence", in Automating 21st Century Science - The Legal, Regulatory, Technical and Social Aspects of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks and Collaborative Computing in R&D ed. by Rich Lysakowski and Steve Schmidt, TeamScience Publishing, 1996

106. 1995 "Virtual Archives", Janus, 1996, in wide distribution on the Internet as of March 1995 ; another version appears in EJOURNAL

105. 1995 "L'avenir informatique et les musees", La Lettre de l'OCIM (Office de Cooperation et d'Information Museographiques, #38, March/April 1995 p.46-47

104. 1994 "Towards a Reference Model for Business Acceptable Communications", web published proposal

103. 1994 "Beyond Connectivity", AV Update (ISSN -0818-2507) #21, September 1994, p.5-20

102. 1994 "Useful Electronic Space or Virtual Junkheap?", Proceeding of the Conference on Digital Cataloging, held at the Library of Congress, October 12-14 1994 (Washington DC, Library of Congress, 1994)

101. 1994 Requirements for Accommodating Information Systems Information and Records Management Needs within the Proposals for a Government Information Locator Service (GILS) and its Z39.50 Application, Attachment K in The Government Information Locator Service (GILS): Expanding Research and Development on the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard. Final Report, William E. Moen and Charles R. McClure Principal Investigators, (Syracuse NY, Syracuse University, September 7, 1994)

100. 1994 The Virtual Archives of the Near Future", The Record, vol.1#1, p.11-12

99. 1994 Archival Strategies", American Archivist, vol. 58, p.374-407

98. 1994 Archival Issues in a Computing Environment", Playing for Keeps, Proceedings of an Electronic Records Management Conference Canberra, Australia November 8-10, 1994, edited by Stephen Yorke (Canberra, Australian Archives, 1995) p.233-255 and

97. 1994 with Ken Sochats, "Formalizing Functional Requirements for Recordkeeping " University of Pittsburgh Research Report LIS055/LS94001, September 1994 <>

96. 1994 "Experience Delivery Systems", Cadernos BAD

95. 1994 "Cultural Heritage Information Standards in a Networked World", in Prometheus: New Technologies in Culture (Athens, Lambrakis Research Foundation) p.39-52; revised in Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.8#2 p.91-107

94. 1994 Electronic Recordkeeping, a course of 14 modules for Edith Cowan University External Studies program (Perth, Edith Cowan University) 283pp. [Also available on CD-ROM]

93. 1994 with John Perkins, "Summary and Recommendations of the Standards Framework for the Computer Interchange of Museum Information", Library Hi Tech News, May 1994, #112, p.1-11

92. 1994 Electronic Evidence: Strategies for Managing Records in Contemporary Organizations, (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics), 360pp.

91. 1994 "Constructing a Methodology for Evidence", in David Bearman, ed., Electronic Evidence, (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics) p.1-18

90. 1994 "Thesaurally Mediated Retrieval", Visual Resources, vol.10, pp.295-307

89. 1994 "Managing Records Sent by Electronic Mail", Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 22 #1, p.28-50; reprinted in #92

88. 1994 "Automating the Future", Museum International, vol 46.#1 (#181) p.38-41 [Also appeared in French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian]

87. 1993 with Margaret Hedstrom, "Reinventing Archives for Electronic Records: Alternative Service Delivery Options" in Margaret Hedstrom ed., Electronic Records Management Program Strategies, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #18 (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1993) p.82-98

86. 1993 "The Implications of Armstrong v. the Executive Office of the President for the Archival Management of Electronic Records", American Archivist, vol.56, p.674-689; reprinted in #92

85. 1993 "Non-Congruent Perspectives" in Donald Fisher Harrison Editor, Automation in Archives (Washington DC, MARAC, 1993) pp.123-132

84. 1993 "Record Keeping Systems", Archivaria, #36 p.16-36; reprinted in #92

83. 1993 "Interactivity in American Museums", Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol 12 #2 (June 1993) p.183-193

82. 1993 with John Perkins, "The Standards Framework for Computer Interchange of Museum Information", Spectra, vol. 20 #2&3, p.1-61 CIMI Standards Framework

81. 1993 "Multimedia and Museum Requirements for Networking", in Multimedia and Networking, Proceedings of the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee Meeting December 7-9 1992, Network Planning Paper #24 (Washington DC, Library of Congress, 1993) pp.16-23; reprinted in Spectra, vol. 21 #2 p.15-19

80. 1993 "Archival Data Management to Achieve Organizational Accountability for Electronic Records", Archives & Manuscripts, v.21#1, 1993 pp.14-28. Also in Sue McKemmish and Frank Upward, Eds., Archival Documents: Providing Accountability Through Recordkeeping (Melbourne, Ancora Press, 1993) p.215-227 where it is followed by an extensive commentary by Frank Upward, pp.229-244; reprinted in #92

79. 1993 "Archival Principles and the Electronic Office", Information Handling in Offices and Archives (K.G.Saur, New York, 1993) p.177-193; reprinted in #92

78. 1992 "Developing Guidelines for Electronic Records: Report of a Project to Test the ACCIS TP/REM Electronic Records Guidelines: A Manual for Policy Development and Implementation (ACCIS 89/018(b) 1989-07-17)" in Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems, Management of Electronic Records: Curriculum Materials, New York, United Nations, 1992 p.137-147

77. 1992 "New Models for Management of Electronic Records by Archives", Cadernos BAD (Journal of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists), vol.2, p.61-70; reprinted in #92

76. 1992 "Documenting Documentation", Archivaria, #34, Summer 1992 p.33-49 reprinted in #92

75. 1992 "Diplomatics, Weberian Bureaucracy and the Management of Electronic Records in Europe and America", American Archivist, vol.55 (1) p.168-180; reprinted in #92 ; reprinted in Archives & Social Science: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research vol.1 #1 March 2008,

74. 1992 "Information Technology Standards and Archives", Janus, 1992.2 p.161-166; reprinted in #92

73. 1992 "Interactive Multimedia in Museums" in M.Buckland and S.Stone eds., Studies in Multimedia: State-of-the-Art Solutions in Multimedia and Hypertext, (Medford CT, Learned Information, 1992) p.121-138

72. 1992 "A User Community Confronts IT Standards", Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol.43(8), p.576-578

71. 1992 "Contexts of Creation and Dissemination as Approaches to Documents that Move and Speak", in Documents that Move and Speak: Audiovisual Archives in the New Information Age, Proceedings of a symposium, National Archives of Canada, April 30-May 3, 1990, (New York, K.G.Saur, 1992) p.140-149

70. 1992 "The Changing Character of Corporate Communications", Longman Professional, Efficiency in Public Sector Records Management: Applying New Technologies and New Structures to Achieve More with Less, (Sydney 1992) 200p. [reviewed in Archives & Manuscripts, vol.21, p.132-134]

69. 1991 with Toni Peterson, "Retrieval Requirements of Faceted Thesauri in Interactive Information Systems" in Susanne Humphrey and Barbara Kwasnik, Advances in Classification Research: Proceedings of the 1st ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop (Medford NJ, Learned Information, 1991)

68. 1991 "Computer Interchange of Museum Information", Bulletin of ASIS, vol. 18 (2), December 1991/January 1992 p.14-16

67. 1991 "Museum Information Standards: Progress and Prospects", in Stephen M. Spivak and Keith A. Winsell eds., A Sourcebook of Standards Information (Boston, G.K.Hall, 1991) p.253-265

66. 1991 "Information Technology Standards and Archives", NAGARA Clearinghouse, vol.7(3) Summer 1991 p.10

65. 1991 "Technology's Impact on the Professions Who Manage it", Current Issues in Government Information Policy Conference Proceedings (Frankfort KY, Kentucky Information Systems Commission, 1991) p.11-23

64. 1991 "Interactive and Hypermedia in Museums", in David Bearman ed., Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums: Proceedings of an International Conference, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #14, 1991 p.1-6;

63. 1991 "An Indefensible Bastion: Archives as a Repository in the Electronic Age", in David Bearman ed., Archival Management of Electronic Records, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #13, (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1991)

62. 1990 with Lynn Cox, 1990 Directory of Software for Archives and Museums, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #12 (Pittsburgh, PA, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1990) includes DB essay: "State of the Market".

61. 1990 Functional Requirements for Membership, Development and Participation Systems, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #11 (Pittsburgh, PA, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1990)

60. 1990 "The Impact of Information Format on Management and Policy", in James A. Nelson ed., Gateways to Comprehensive State Information Policy (Lexington KY, COSLA, 1990) p.22-26

59. 1990 "Design Requirements of an Archives and Museum Information System", Spectra, vol.17, p.12-13

58. 1990 "Multi-sensory Data and its Management", in Cynthia Durance, ed. Management of Recorded Information: Converging Technologies (NY, K.G.Saur, 1990) p.111-120

57. 1990 "Management of Electronic Records: Issues and Guidelines", in United Nations Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information Systems, Electronic Records Management Guidelines: A Manual for Policy Development and Implementation (NY, United Nations, 1990) pp. 17-70, 89-107, 135-189; reprinted in part in #92

56. 1990 "Can MARC Accommodate Archives and Museums: Technical and Political Challenges", in Toni Petersen and Pat Molholt eds., Beyond the Book: Extending MARC for Subject Access (Boston, G.K.Hall, 1990) p.237-245

55. 1990 "Framework for Terminology Standards in Museums", in D. Andrew Roberts ed., Proceedings of the International Conference on Terminology for Museum Documentation (Cambridge, Museum Documentation Association, 1990) p.7-14

54. 1990 "Strategy for Development and Implementation of Archival Description Standards", in Toward International Descriptive Standards for Archives; Papers presented at the ICA Invitational Meeting of Experts on Descriptive Standards, National Archives of Canada 4-7 October 1988 (Munich, K.G.Saur, 1993) pp. 161-171

53. 1989 "A Framework for Museum Standards", Spectra, Vol. 16 #2 (Summer, 1989) 1-5

52. 1989 "The Case for Software as Documentation", IASSIST Quarterly, Spring 1989, p.,18-23

51. 1989 Archival Methods, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report #9 (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1989) <c:/my documents/db&jt/pubs/archival methods.html>

50. 1989 "Description Standards: A framework for action", American Archivist, vol.52#4, (1989) pp. 514-19

49. 1989 "Bringing our Heritage Within Reach", CD End User, vol.1#4, p.19-20

48. 1989 "Buildings as Structures, as Art and as Dwellings: Data Exchange issues in an Architectural Information Network", in Lawrence McCrank, ed., Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences, vol..4 (Medford NJ, Learned Information, 1989) p.41-48

47. 1989 "Museum Automation", The Museologist, vol.52 #181, p.12-13

46. 1989 "Keynote Address: A Challenge to MCN", Spectra, vol.15 #1 (Spring) p.9-11

45. 1989 "Authority Control: Issues and Prospects", American Archivist, vol.52 #3, p.286-299

44. 1989 "Archives and Manuscript Control with Bibliographic Utilities: Challenges and Opportunities", American Archivist, vol..52 #1 p.26-39

43. 1988 "Implications of Interactive Digital Media for Museums", Visual Resources, vol.5 #4, p.313-22

42. 1988 "Software Trends for Museums", Museum News, vol..66 #6, July/August p.34-35

41. 1988 Automated Systems for Archives and Museums: Acquisition and Implementation Issues, Archival Informatics Technical Report #4, Winter 1987/8 88pp.

40. 1988 Directory of Software for Archives and Museums , Archival Informatics Technical Report #6 (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics, 1988)

39. 1988 "Considerations in the Design of Art Scholarly Databases", Library Trends, vol.37#2 (Fall) p.206-219

38. 1987 Functional Requirement for Collections Management Systems, Archival Informatics Technical Reports, #3 (Fall) 87pp.

37. 1987 Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories: The NISTF Papers (Chicago, Society of American Archivists, 1987) 119 pp.

36. 1987 "Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories: The Politics and Mechanics of Cooperation" (July) in #37

35. 1987 Collecting Software: A New Challenge for Archives and Museums, Archival Informatics Technical Report #2 (Spring) 88pp.

34. 1987 with Peter Sigmond, "Explorations of Form of Material Authority Files by Dutch Archivists", American Archivist, vol.50#2, Spring, p.249-253

33. 1986 "Recruitment of Archivists:1985-86", SAA Newsletter, November 1986

32. 1986 "Intelligent Artifices, Structures for Intellectual Control" in #51

31. 1986 "Recorded Memory and Cultural Continuity" in #51

30. 1986 "Archival and Bibliographic Information Networks", Journal of Library Administration, vol.7 #2/3 (Summer/Fall) p.99-110; reprinted in Lawrence McCrank ed., Archival and Library Administration: Divergent Traditions, Common Concerns (New York, Haworth Press) 1986

29. 1986 with Richard Szary, "Beyond Authority Control: Authorities as Reference Files in a Multi-Disciplinary Setting" in Karen Markey ed. Authority Control Symposium (Tucson AZ, ARLIS/NA, 1986) p.69-78

28. 1986 "Who about What' or 'From Whence, Why and How': Intellectual Access Approaches to Archives and their Implications for National Archival Information Systems", in Peter Baskerville and Chad M. Gaffield eds, Archives, Automation and Access (Victoria BC, University of Victoria, 1986) p.39-47

27. 1985 with Michel Vulpe, CMASS (Collections Management Action Support System: A Statement of Problem (Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution Office of Information Resource Management, February 1985) 48pp.

26. 1985 "Policy Issues for Information Resource Management in the Smithsonian Institution", (Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution Office of Information Resource Management, February)

25. 1985 with Richard Lytle "The Power of the Principle of Provenance", Archivaria, #21, p.14-27 Winner of the W. Kaye Lamb Prize for “the Archivaria article that, by its exceptional combination of research, reflection, and writing, most advances archival thinking in Canada.” See

24. 1985 "Toward National Archival Policies: Assessment and Planning on a National Scale", in #37

23. 1984 "Implications of the Work of NISTF for National Cooperation Among Folklife Archives" in Allan Jabour ed. Proceedings of the Conference on Folklife Archives (Washington, DC Library of Congress, 1984)

22. 1984 A Plan for the Acquisition of an Integrated, Generalized, Collections Management Information System (Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution, April 1984) 178pp. including Appendix .A: Data Model and Appendix .B: Requirements of a CIS

21. 1983 with Helen Samuels "Characteristics of Science and Technology Activity", chapter 3 in Clark Elliott ed., Understanding Progress as Process (Chicago, SAA, 1983) p.25-29

20. 1983 "Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories, III: Problems, Policies and Prospects", NISTF Report (Washington DC, SAA, 1983) 24pp, reprinted in #37

19. 1983 "Survey of the Profession", American Archivist, vol.46 p.233-241

18. 1982 "Policy Issues in Information Resource Management in the Smithsonian Institution" (Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution, December 10, 1982) 32pp.

17. 1982 "Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories", American Archivist, vol.45 p.53-56

16. 1982 Functional Specifications of an Integrated Information Management System for Administering a Program of Active, Archival or Manuscript Records, NISTF Report (Washington DC, SAA, August) 39pp.

15. 1982 "Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories: Opportunities and Requirements", NISTF Report (Washington DC, SAA, Sept.) 39pp. reprinted in #37

14. 1982 "Automation of the Naval Laboratories Archival Program: A Report and Recommendations", (Washington DC, NTIS #AD-A124-565/3, Nov. 1982) 33pp.

13. 1981 "The National Archives and Records Service: Policy Choices for the Next Five Years", For The Record, December p.1-13. 1982

12. 1981 "Data Elements used in Archives, Manuscripts and Record Repository Information Systems: A Dictionary of Standard Terminology", NISTF Report (Washington DC, SAA, October 1982) reprinted in Nancy Sahli ed., MARC for Archives and Manuscripts: The AMC Format (Chicago, SAA, 1985)

11. 1981 "Towards National Information Systems for Archives and Manuscript Repositories: I. Alternative Models", NISTF Report (Washington DC, SAA, August 1981) 41pp. reprinted in #37

10. 1981 "Information Resource Management for the Smithsonian: a Report with Recommendations" (Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution, May 1981) 14pp.

9. 1981 with Richard Lytle, "Archival Information Exchange in the United States", Archivaria, #13, p.127-130. see

8. 1980 with John T. Edsall, Archival Sources for the History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1980) 338pp.

7. 1979 "Automated Access to Archival Information: Assessing Systems", American Archivist, vol.42 (1979) p.179-190

6. 1979 with John T. Edsall, "Historical Records of Scientific Activity", American Philosophical Society Proceedings, vol.123, p.272-292

5. 1978 "Biochemistry and Medicine in China Prior to the 1950 Revolution: An Essay and Bibliographic Review", Survey of Sources Occasional Paper, #5 (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, November) 33pp.

4. 1977 with John T. Edsall "Survey of Sources for the History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", Federation Proceedings, vol.36 p.269-273; reprinted in American Academy of Arts & Sciences Bulletin, vol.31 (1978) p.5-12

3. 1976 "L.C. Dunn Papers", Mendel Newsletter, #12 June p.1-5

2. 1976 "Historical Survey", Trends in Biochemical Sciences, vol.1 p.161-162

1. 1976 "Survey of Sources for History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: An Introductory Report", Annals of Science, vol.33, p.395-397

Other Publications

Informatics Notes

1. 1987 "Automated Systems: Inheritance of Indexing terms in FAIDS", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol.1#1 p.2-3
2. 1988 "Intellectual Control Methods", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol.2#4 p.69
3. 1989 "CIMI: Computer Interchange of Museum Information", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.3#2, p.2-5
4. 1989 "User Presentation Language in Archives", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.3#4, p.3-7
5. 1990 "Electronic Records Issues", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4#1, p.7-9
6. 1990 "Electronic Office Records", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4#1, p.12-15
7. 1991 "Digital Image Rights", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5#1, 8-9
8. 1991 "Model Agreement for Owners of Images Licensing to Multimedia Producers", Archives and Museum Informatics, v.5#2, p.9-10
9. 1991 "Confusion in the Image Industry", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol5#3, p.2-3
10. 1991 "Introduction to CALS", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5#4, p.5-6
11. 1992 "The ICA Principles Regarding Archival Description", Archives and Museum Informatics, v.6#1, p.20-21
12. 1992 "Interactive ain't necessarily good", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.6#2 p.1
13. 1992 "Electronic Records are Records", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.6#4, p.1-2
14. 1993 "Exhibits on the Internet", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.7#1, p.8
15. 1993 "Functional Requirements for Recordkeeping Systems", Archives and Museum Informatics, v.7#2, p.3-5
16. 1993 "Multi-Level Description", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.7#3, p.7-8
17. 1993 "Vocabulary Control", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.7#4, p.6-8
18. 1994 "Issues involved in using SGML for Data Interchange", Archives and Museum Informatics: Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly, vol.8 #1, p.74-79
19. 1994 "Multi-level Description (pt.2)", Archives and Museum Informatics: Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly, vol.8 #1, p.80-83

Software Reviews

 1. 1987 "MicroMARC:amc - A Review", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol.1 #3 (Fall) p.46-48
2. 1987 "MARCON PLUS Text Retrieval Software: A Review", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol.1 #4 (Winter) p.66-70
3. 1988 "Software Vendors at the AAM", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol. 2 #2 (Summer) p. 26-32
4. 1988 "Software Review - ARGUS", Archival Informatics Newsletter, vol.2 #4 (Winter), p.73-76
5. 1989 "The Liu-Palmer Thesaurus Construction System: Basic Edition", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.3 #2, (Summer), p.18-19
6. 1989 "ANCS - Automated National Catalog System version 3.3," (the National Park Service), Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.3 #3, (Fall), p.24
7. 1990 "Accession", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4 #1, (Spring), p.19-21
8. 1990 "Collections Management System", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4 #1, (Spring), p.21-22
9. 1990 "ADVANCED QUIXIS", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4 #2, (Summer), p.16-19
10. 1990 "Archives Integrated Information Management System (AIIMS)", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4 #2 (Summer), p.20-21
11. 1990 "MARS - The Manuscript and Archives Reference System", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.4 #4 (Winter) p.10-11
12. 1991 "Thesaurus Construction System - Professional Edition", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5#1 (Spring) p.17
13. 1991 "MacTRAC 2.0", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5 #4 (Winter) p.19
14. 1991 "Accession 2.0", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5 #4 (Winter) p.20
15. 1991 "GENCAT 2.32", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.5 #4 (Winter) p.21
16. 1992 "Landmark Planner", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.6 #2 (Summer) p.20
17. 1992 "Two CD-ROM's on ART", Archives and Museum Informatics, vol.6 #2 (Summer) p.21-22
18. 1992 "Archives and Museum Information Systems: State of the Market, 1992", in Belinda Wright and David Bearman, compilers, 1992-93 Directory of Software for Archives & Museums (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museums Informatics) pp.i-iii
19. 1994 "Trends in Archives and Museums Software: 1994-95" in Belinda Wright editor, Directory of Software for Archives and Museums (Pittsburgh, Archives & Museum Informatics) p.1-5
20. 1994 "Microsoft Art Gallery: A Review of a Review", Archives and Museum Informatics: Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly, vol.8 #1 p.49-50

Book Reviews

1. 1979 "Processes of Sciences" (A Review of Laboratory Life), Science, vol.206, p.824-5
2. 1979 "Voices in the Labyrinth: A Review", American Scientist, vol.67, 1979, p.24
3. 1979 "Excitement and Fascination of Science: A Review", ISIS, vol.70, 1979, p.254
4. 1979 "Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the United States: A Review", American Archivist, vol.42, 1979, p.350-51
5. 1980 "Disciplines, Disciples and the Making of Modern Biology: An Essay review", ISIS, vol. 71, 1980, p.140-142
6. 1986 "The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C: A Review", ISIS, vol.77, 1986, p.705-6
7. 1987 "Essays of an Information Scientist: A Review", ISIS, vol.78, 1987, p.253-254
8. 1992 "The Archival Appraisal of Records Containing Personal Information: A RAMP study with Guidelines", Archivaria, 34, p.217-219 . see
9. 1993 "Managing Electronic Records", Archives & Manuscripts, 21, p.276-280
10. 1999 "Information Management in Museums.Second Edition.Elizabeth Orna and Charles Pettitt”, Information Processing and Management, 35 p.713-721


2002, Talk at Dokumentation, Information & Kultur Association, Stockholm

2002, Webcast at American Library association OCLC Forum on Reconceptualizing Cataloging (


1987 - Volume 1

1. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1987). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 1:1, 20 pp.

2. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1987). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 1:2, 24 pp.

3. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1987). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 1:3, 20 pp.

4. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1987). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 1:4, 24 pp.

1988 - Volume 2

5. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1988). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 2:1, 24 pp.

6. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1988). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 2:2, 24 pp.

7. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1988). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 2:3, 20 pp.

8. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1988). Archival Informatics Newsletter. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 2:4, 24 pp.

1989 - Volume 3

9. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1989). Archives & Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 3:1, 28 pp.

10. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1989). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 3:2, 24 pp.

11. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1989). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 3:3, 28 pp.

12. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1989). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 3:4, 24 pp.

1990 - Volume 4

13. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1990). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 4:1, 24 pp.

14. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1990). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 4:2, 24 pp.

15. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1990). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 4:3, 16 pp.

16. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1990). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 4:4, 16 pp.

1991 - Volume 5

17. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1991). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 5:1, 24 pp.

18. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1991). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 5:2, 24 pp.

19. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1991). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 5:3, 24 pp.

20. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1991). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 5:4, 24 pp.

1992 - Volume 6

21. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1992). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 6:1, 24 pp.

22. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1992). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 6:2, 24 pp.

23. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1992). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 6:3, 24 pp.

24. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1992). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 6:4, 24 pp.

1993 - Volume 7

25. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1993). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7:1, 24 pp.

26. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1993). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7:2, 24 pp.

27. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1993). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7:3, 24 pp.

28. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1993). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 7:4, 28 pp.

1994 - Volume 8

29. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1994). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 8:1, 88 pp.

30. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1994). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 8:2, 96 pp.

31. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1994). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 8:3, 98 pp.

32. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1994). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 8:4, 76 pp.

1995 - Volume 9

33. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1995). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 9:1, 137 pp.

34. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1995). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 9:2, 121 pp.

35. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1995). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 9:3, 118 pp.

36. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1995). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 9:4, 122 pp.

1996 - Volume 10

37. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1996). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 10:1, 101 pp.

38. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1996). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 10:2, 92 pp.

39. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1996). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 10:3, 117 pp.

40. Bearman, D. [Ed.] (1996). Archives and Museum Informatics. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics. 10:4, 75 pp.

Informatics: The interdisciplinary study of information content, representation, technology, and applications,
and the methods and strategies by which information is used in organizations, networks, cultures, and societies.