Cultural Heritage
The ICHIM conference series has ended.
ICHIM explored policy, legal, social, economic, technological, organizational and design concerns of digital culture and heritage, from the perspective of cultural policy makers, institutions and cultural participants. ICHIM07 included peer-reviewed Papers, Project Briefings and Interactions. Significant issues, and leading projects worldwide were demonstrated, discussed and critiqued.
Digital culture is developing rapidly worldwide alongside a movement to capture heritage and make it digitally available. When the International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (ICHIM) was founded in 1991 it was intended to promote the potential of interactive multimedia in museum programs. It evolved into a broader meeting on all aspects of cultural informatics for cultural policy makers, museum directors, managers, curators, exhibit designers, and educators, as well as for multimedia developers, designers, and publishers, and for those creating public access services to disseminate culture and engage citizens in their heritage.
The last ICHIM was held in 2007.
Past Papers Online
or you can search the text of all ICHIM papers [and the rest of this Web site]
2007 | ICHIM07 took place October 24-26, 2007 at the MaRS Collaboration Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2005 | ICHIM 05 Digital Culture and Heritage/ Patrimoine
culturel et numérique took place September 21-23, in Paris
at la Bibliothèque Nationale de France and la Cité Internationale
Universitaire de Paris. See
2004 | ichim04 took place at the "Haus
der Kulturen der Welt" in Berlin, Germany from August 30 to
Sept. 3, 2004.
2003 | ichim03 took
place at L'Ecole du Louvre in Paris, September 8-12, 2003.
2001 | ichim01 took
place in Milano, Italy, September 3-7, 2001.
1999 | ichim99 took place in Washington DC, September 23-26, 1999. |
1997 | ichim97 was
at Le Louvre, Paris, France, September 1-5, 1997.
1995 | ichim95 was in San Diego, California, in conjunction with MCN. |
1993 | ichim93 was in Cambridge, England, in conjunction with mda. |
1991 | ichim91 was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. |