Archives & Museum Informatics








last updated:
November 30, 2017 12:56 PM

Cultural Heritage Informatics 2004: selected papers from ichim04

Session 01: Opening (plenary session)

Larry Friedlander, Stanford University, USA: Keynote-Opening Session
The Morning After: Waking Up to Reality After a Binge of Vision

Isabelle Vinson: Political, Economic, Legal and Technical Context Fostering Cultural Diversity for Digital Institutions and Project Leaders (PDF)

Session 02: Digitizing Manuscripts

Rob Mildren, National Archives of Scotland, Hazel Anderson, Scottish Archive Network, Scotland: Managing Quantity and Quality - Digitisation at the National Archives of Scotland (PDF)

Christiane Van den Bergen-Pantens, Centre International de Codicologie, Belgium, Sandrine Thieffry, Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, France, Paul Brioen, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Belgium: Diffusion sur Internet de la Bibliographie Multilingue des Manuscrits Medievaux (PDF)

Session 03: Evaluating Strategies

Véronique Charléty, Institut d'études politiques de Strasbourg, Geneviève Vidal, Université Paris XIII, France: Le Web Renouvelle-T-Il l'Approche de la Culture en Europe? Les Sites Web des Ministeres de la Culture et l'Evolution des Politiques Culturelles (PDF)

Halina Gottlieb, Eva Insulander, Helen Simonsson, Visions for Museums/Interactive Institute, Sweden: Access in Mind: Enhancing the Relationship to Contemporary Art (PDF)

Session 04: Museums Multimedia Production Models

Estelle Renaud, Myriam Prot, Musée du Louvre, France: Musee du Louvre - Conception d'Une Collection de Produits Multimedias Fondee sur l'Interaction des Utilisateurs et des Concepteurs dans le Temps. (PDF)

Ranjit Makkuni, Sacred World Research Laboratory, India: The Gandhi Multimedia Museum (MMM) (PDF)

Kathryn C. Johnson, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, USA: Back to Basics: How the Developmental Model of Learning Informs Multimedia Choices for Art Museums (PDF)

Session 05: History & Art History On-line Resource

Maria Alice Rezende de Carvalho, Anelise Pacheco,Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Project : Brazilian Republican History Reference Center (PDF)

Michael Truckenbrodt, Heidemarie Anderlik, Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin: Vortrag: Die Virtuelle Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Museums (PDF)

Cèsar Cerreras Monfort, Núria Ferran Ferrer, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain: Preserving Memories On-Line: The Exhibition 'Memories of Our Childhood' and the Catalan Immigration History Museum (PDF)

Bernd Kulawik, Martin Raspe, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Italy: Zuccaro-Ein Universelles Framework für Netzbasierte Forschungsdatenbanken in den Geisteswissenschaften (PDF)

Session 06: New Technologies Impact: Management & Politics

Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin, Salzburg Research, Austria: Are Small Heritage Institutions Ready for E-Culture? (PDF)

Christabel Wright, Department of Communications, IT and the Arts, Australia: Who Makes the Choice? Major Issues in Cultural Digitisation Policy (PDF)

Jean-Michel Tobelem, Option Culture, France: L'influence des Nouvelles Techniques sur le Management des Musees (PDF)

Session 07: Interactive Installations

Naziha Mestaoui, Yacine Aït Kaci, Electronic Shadow, France: Sortir l'Image de l'Ecran 6 Dispositifs Originaux d'Electronic Shadow Entre Octobre 2003 et Juin 2004 (PDF)

Flavia Sparacino, Sensing Places, USA: Museum Intelligence: Using Interactive Technologies for Effective Communication and Storytelling in the "Puccini Set Designer" Exhibit (PDF)

Session 08: Sharing Digital Heritage

Christopher Dalton, Matt Allbeury, Clinic New Media, Australia: The Element Project: Optimizing the Process of Distributing Data From the Cultural Heritage Sphere into the Public Domain via the Cooperative Development of a Common Data Interchange Network (PDF)

Ted Bairstow, Canaidan Culture Online Branch, Department of Canadian Heritage, Canada: Canadian Culture Online: From Virtual Museums to New Media R&D (PDF)

Jan Baetens, Sara Roegiers, Frederik Truyen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium: Towards a Justified Digitization of Photographical Heritage: Presenting the Photherel Project (PDF)

Session 09: Digital Culture, Digital Art

John Roeder, University of British Columbia School of Music, Canada: Preserving Authentic Interactive Digital Artworks: Case Studies from the Interpares Project (PDF)

Christophe Genin, Université de Paris 1, France: "Culture Numerique": Une Contradiction dans les Termes? (PDF)

Sandra Fauconnier, Rens Frommé, V2_Institute for the Unstable Media, The Netherlands: Capturing Unstable Media (PDF)

Graham Howard, System Simulation, Sarah Beecham, Art of Memory, United Kingdom: The Visualiser: Intelligence Made Visible (PDF)

Session 10: Digital Diasporas

Jim Devine, Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland: What Clicks? Electronic Access to Museum Resources (PDF)

Natsagbadam Myatraaz, Gantumur Bold, Narantuya Dalkhaa, Cultural Heritage Center, I-Team group, Mongolia: Mongolian Ancient Monuments CD (PDF)

Ramesh Srinivasan, Alexander Allain, Brad Ellis, Harvard University, USA: Tribal Peace-Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Dispersed Native American Communities (PDF)

Session 11: Maps and Cities

Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann, Gabriele Blome, Jochen Denzinger, MARS-Media Arts Research Society @ Fraunhofer Institut für Medienkommunikation, Germany: - Online-Labor für Digitale Kunst und Kultur (PDF)

Karen O'Rourke, Université Paris 1, France: A Map Larger than the Territory (PDF)

Christine Breton, Laurent Malone, LMX, France: L'agence de Documentation sur les Mutations Urbaines (PDF)

Session 12: Audience (Oriented) Design

Fathi Saleh, Mohamed Farouk, CULTNAT, Egypt: Cultural Interactive Panorama (CULTURAMA) (PDF)

Evelyne Gobbo, Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: What We Have Learned by Using Cultural Heritage, Technology Based, Educational Environment: SEE (Shrine Educational Experience) (PDF)

Matteo Merzagora, Romeo Bassoli, Francesca Conti Zadigroma, SISSA, Innovations in the Communication of Science, Italy: Impulsi - Il TG Dei Musei: Science News Enter Science Museumsand Science Centres (PDF)

Session 13: Mediation Tools for Archeology

Helena Cristina G. Leitão, Fluminense Federal University, Jorge Stolfi, University of Campinas, Brazil: Digital Reconstruction of Fragmented Artifacts (PDF)

Steffen Kirchner, Pavel Mayer, ART+COM AG, Germany: TNT: The Neanderthal Tools (PDF)

Iwona Dudek, Jean-Yves Blaise, UMR , France: Graphic Variables for Dynamic 2D/3D Documentation Visualisation in the Context of Historical Architecture (PDF)

Harlina Md Sharif, Hazman Hazumi, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia: Reconstruction of the Earliest Mosque in Malaysia Using Virtual Reality Technique (PDF)

Session 14: Smart Interactions in Music and Performances

François Pachet, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, France: The HiFi of the Future: Toward New Modes of Music-ing (PDF)

Francis Rousseaux, l'Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, Alain Bonardi, Université Paris 8, France: Une Mise en Scene Directement Inspiree de la Fouille Interactive de Donnees (PDF)

Session 15: The Future in Our Hands?

Costis Dallas, Elina Vaki, Paola Soel, Thanos Demiris, Nicos Ioannidis, Gina Koutsika, Argiro Starida, Christina Dalla: Integrating Location-Aware Digital Nomadic Devices with Web-Based Information and Personalisation for Cultural Site Interpretation and Learning (PDF)

Nancy Proctor, Antenna Audio, United Kingdom: Access in Hand: Providing Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Visitors with On-Demand, Independent Access to Museum Information and Interpretation Through Handheld Computers (PDF)

Session 16: National Audiovisual Archives

Pierre C. Bélanger, Université d'Ottawa, Canada: La Numérisation de la Mémoire Collective: Les Stratégies d'Action du Radiodiffuseur Public Canadien (PDF)

Dr. Catherine Saracco, France: La Gestion du Patrimoine Audiovisuel en France et en Allemagne: Approche Comparative (PDF)

Alexander Hecht, ORF-Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Austria, Andrew O'Dwyer, British Broadcasting Corporation, United Kingdom, Johan Oomen, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision ICT Department, The Netherlands, Florian Scharinger, Joanneum Research, Institute of Information Systems & Information Management, Austria: Birth: Building an Interactive Research and Delivery Network for Television Heritage (PDF)

Session 17: Mobile Computing and Cultural Access

Sophie Deshayes, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France: L'usage des Supports Mobiles au Musee, des Audioguides Classiques au Multimedia Nomade (PDF)

Alison Wood, Glorianna Davenport, Brendan Donovan, Carol Strohecker, Media Lab Europe, Ireland: Stories for Remote Place: Content, Structure, Device, Trials (PDF)

Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, Alessandro De Gloria, Edmondo Ferretti and Massimiliano Margarone, ELIOS Group, University of Genoa (Genoa), Italy: Microgames for a Compelling Interaction with the Cultural Heritage (PDF)

Session 18: Rethinking Archeological Archives

Sarah Kenderlind, Museum Victoria, Australia: Avatars at the Flying Palace Stereographic Panoramas of Angkor Cambodia (PDF)

John Tolva, Jennifer Martin, IBM, USA: Making the Transition from Documentation to Experience: The Eternal Egypt Project (PDF)

Harlan Wallach, Northwestern University, USA: Shooting the Caves: A Review and History of the Techniques Developed by Northwestern University, and the Dunhuang Research Academy for the Mellon International Dunhuang Archive for Documenting the Mogao Cave Shrines (PDF)

Session 19: Curating Video Games

Karsten Huth, Andreas Lange, Digital Game Archive e.V. Computerspiele-Museum, Germany: Die Entwicklung Neuer Strategien zur Bewahrung und Archivierung von Digitalen Artefakten für das Computerspiele-Museum Berlin und das Digital Game Archive (PDF)

Nicolas Esposito, Université de technologie de Compiègne, France: Emulation et Conservation du Patrimoine Culturel Lie aux Jeux Video (PDF)

Cati Vaucelle, Glorianna Davenport, Media Lab Europe, Ireland: An Open-Ended Tool to Compose Movies for Cross-Cultural Digital Storytelling: Textable Movie (PDF)

Session 20: Closing (plenary session)

Prof. Tanja Diezmann, pReview Berlin & HS-Anhalt, Germany: Keynote-Closing Session Real Virtuality (PDF)

Catherine Chevillot, Laurent Chastel, Musée d'Orsay, France: Le Projet <<A Nos Grands Hommes>>: Corpus Scientifique et Produit Grand Public: Un Pari Impossible? (PDF)

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Informatics: The interdisciplinary study of information content, representation, technology, and applications,
and the methods and strategies by which information is used in organizations, networks, cultures, and societies.