Archives Publications
All Prices in US Dollars. To order any of these titles, please return our Order Form.
Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials (CD-ROM)
Edited by David Bearman, Kimberly Barata, and Jennifer Trant
CD-ROM $20.00 USThis CD contains copies of and executable links to hundreds of papers on the definition, policy, capture, storage, and migration of electronic records together with an annotated bibliography and the archival Web sites of the major research projects at the University of Pittsburgh. In addition it contains biographical and contact information for researchers in these fields worldwide.
Partners in Research: Improving Access to the Nation's Archive
Paul Conway.
Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1994.
out of print
Electronic Evidence: Strategies for Managing Records in Contemporary Organizations
By David Bearman
ISBN 1-885626-08-8 (1994) 314pp., $10.00 US
(CD_ROM ONLY)A collection of previously published papers, accompanied by a new essay exploring the evolution of concepts of electronic records management. The papers reprinted here were originally published between 1989 and 1993, in journals in the United States, Canada, Portugal and Australia, as well as in a United Nations Report. Includes a detailed index by Victoria Irons Walch.
Electronic Records Management Program Strategies
Edited by Margaret Hedstrom
ISBN 1-885626-07-X (1993) 156pp., $20.00 US
out of printPapers prepared for a joint meeting of SAA-CART and NAGARA-CIT in the spring of 1993. Includes the results of brainstorming sessions, an essay on program structure options by David Bearman and Margaret Hedstrom, and an annotated bibliography by Richard J. Cox.
Archives and Authority Control
Edited by Avra Michelson
Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1989.
out of print
All prices in US Dollars. To order any of these titles, please return our Order Form.