Seminars and Workshops
Archives & Museum Informatics offers workshops and seminars on the strategic use of technologies in culture and heritage, virtual libraries and archives, multimedia and interactive publishing, intellectual property management, themanagement of electronic records as evidence, and standards for the production and dissemination of electronic information. Residential seminars are also offered on Grindstone Island.
Selected Materials from Past Seminars
Museums and Technology, Council of American Jewish Museums, Toronto, January 22, 2007 (PDF of presentation slides, PDF of handout)
folksonomy, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, February 28, 2006.
Digital Cultural Heritage course in the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto. 2003-4, 2002-3 [pages from the Internet Archive].
Cultural Institutions
in a Networked Environment, Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm,
Sweden, for DIK - Dokumentation, Information, Kulture. May 23, 2002
of presentation slides)
Museums in the Web of Collaboration,
Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm, Sweden, for DIK - Dokumentation,
Information, Kulture. May 23, 2002
of presentation slides)
Union College, New York, Workshop on Archiving Web Sites, May 12-14, 2002 [pages now available from the Internet Archive]
Strategic Information Management for Museums in the 21st Century, Museum Computer Network Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 27, 1999. (PDF of presentation slides)
Workshop on Electronic Records, September 12-13, 1997, Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surrey
We can arrange terms on a per diem, per seminar or per registrant basis. Please for details.