Jennifer Trant: Publications
Books | Edited Books | Edited Journal | Papers | Presentations | Other
Books and Book Length Reports
Image Retrieval Benchmark Database Service: A Needs Assessment and Preliminary Development Plan.Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), 2003 Available from
Introduction to Imaging: Issues in Constructing an Image Database, with Howard Besser, Santa Monica, CA: J. Paul Getty Trust, Art History Information Program, 1995. Once available at Archived at standards/introimages/index.html
Categories for the Description of Works of Art, the report of the Art Information Task Force, J. Paul Getty Trust, Art History Information Program, 1995. Available at in a second edition edited by Murtha Baca and Patricia Harpring.
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Collections Documentation Guide, Montréal, Québec: Canadian Center for Architecture. 1991, 1993.
Edited Books
Museums and the Web 2011: Selected Papers from an international conference. Toronto Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2011 Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2010. Also available at and Introduction.
Museums and the Web 2010: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2010. Also available at and Introduction.
Museums and the Web 2009: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2009. Also available at and Introduction.
Museums and the Web 2008: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2008. Also available at and Introduction.
International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting – ICHIM07. Ed. with David Bearman. Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2007. Also available at
Museums and the Web 2007: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2007. Also available at and Introduction.
Museums and the Web 2006: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2006. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2005: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2005. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2004: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Toronto, ON: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2004. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2003: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2003. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2002: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2002. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2001: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2001. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 2000: Selected Papers from an international conference. Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2000. Also available at and Introduction
Cultural Heritage Informatics, 1999: selected papers from ichim99. Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1999 and Introduction
Museums and the Web, 1999. Selected papers from an international conference, Ed. with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1999. Also available at and Introduction
Museums and the Web 1998: Proceedings, with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1998. Also available at and Introduction
Museum Interactive Multimedia 1997: cultural heritage systems design and interfaces, Selected Papers from ICHIM 97, edited with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1997.
Museums and the Web: Selected Papers, edited and introduction with David Bearman, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics: 1997.
Edited Journal
Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Editor in Chief (1997-2000), Managing Editor (1996-1997).
“Editorial: Annotating the Illusion,” Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 12, no. 2, 1998, 97-99.
"Editorial: Standard Issues," Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 12, no. 1, 1998, 1-2.
"Editorial: Museums and the Web, " Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11, no 2, 1997, 73-76.
"Editorial: Communication, Criticism and Community," Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11, no. 1, 1997, 1-3.
Edited Journal Issues
Museum Management and Curatorship. with David Bearman. Special issue featuring papers from ICHIM07, Vol. 23, No. 4, December 2008, and Introduction.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Special Issue: When Museum Informatics Meets the World Wide Web. Edited with David Bearman. Volume 51, Issue 1, Jan. 2001. and Introduction: “When museum informatics meets the World Wide Web, it generates energy”.
Peer Reviewed and Invited Papers
J. Trant "When all you've got is 'The Real Thing': museums and authenticity in the networked world". Museums in a Digital Age. R. Parry (Ed.), Routledge. Leicester Readers in Museum Studies. 2010. [originally published 1997, reprinted 1998]. original paper available at
D. Bearman and J. Trant. “Museums and the Web”. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. 3rd Edition. M. Bates (Ed.), Routledge: 2009.
J. Trant, Emerging Convergence? Thoughts on museums, archives, libraries and the training of [information] professionals. Museum Management and Curatorship, 24(4), December, 2009. pp. 369-386. preprint available from
J. Trant. “Studying Tagging and Folksonomy: A Review and Framework”, Journal of Digital Information, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2009) Published January 2009 at
J. Trant. “Tagging, Folksonomy and Art Museums: Early Experiments and Ongoing Research”, Journal of Digital Information, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2009) Published January 2009 at
J. Trant, D. Bearman and S. Chun, “The eye of the beholder: and social tagging of museum collections,” in International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM07): Proceedings, J. Trant and D. Bearman (Eds). Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. 2007. Published September 30, 2007 at
J. Trant. “Curating Collections Knowledge: Museums on the Cyberinfrastructure,” Museum Informatics: People, Information and Technology in Museums. P. Marty and K. Jones (Eds.). New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007. Preprint at
J. Trant. Social Classification and Folksonomy in Art Museums: early data from the tagger prototype. a paper for the ASIST SIG-CR workshop on Social Classification, November 4, 2006. [pdf preprint] [pdf of presentation slides
"Curating Collections Knowledge: Museums on the Cyberinfrastructure", Museum Informatics, P. Marty and K. Jones (eds.) Taylor & Francis. [publication expected 2006: pdf preprint]
J. Trant, with the particpants in, "Exploring the potential for social tagging and folksonomy in art museums: proof of concept", New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Volume 12, Number 1 / June 2006, 83 - 105. [pdf preprint].
Susan Chun, Rich Cherry, Doug Hiwiller, Jennifer Trant, and Bruce Wyman, An Ongoing Experiment in Social Tagging, Folksonomy, and Museums, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Selected papers from an international conference. Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006 at
David Bearman and Jennifer Trant. “Social Terminology Enhancement through Vernacular Engagement: Exploring Collaborative Annotation to Encourage Interaction with Museum Collections” D-Lib Magazine, September 2005, Volume 11 Number 9 Available:
“Converting Scanned Images of the Print History of the World to Knowledge: A Research Program and Strategy” with David Bearman, A paper for “UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society”, an international conference. Saint Petersburg, Russia, 17-19 May, 2005. Available Also published in Russian Digital Libraries Journal, 2005, Volume 8, Issue 5,
"Educational Use of Museum Multimedia The AMICO Library™," with David Bearman. Visual Resources Association Bulletin. Winter 2002 PDF version of Paper:
"Open concepts: museum digital documentation for education through The AMICO Library," with David Bearman and Kelly Richmond. Art Libraries Journal . Volume 27, No. 2 Available Also available as in HTML at
Comments on Tom Delsey's Paper, "The Library Catalog in the Networked Environment" for the Library of Congress Bicentennial Symposium "Bibliographic Control in the New Millennium", Washington, DC, November 15, 2000. Text available at :
"A Common Model to Support Interoperable Metadata, Progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from the Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI Communities", w/ David Bearman, Eric Miller, Godfrey Rust, and Stuart Weibel, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 5 Number 1, January 1999. Available at
"Economic, Social, Technical Models for Digital Libraries of Primary Resources," with David Bearman, invited contribution, New Review of Information Networking, #4, 1998, pp 71-91. Paper available at
"Unifying Cultural Memory," with David Bearman, Information Landscapes for a Learning Society, Networking and the Future of Libraries 3, 1998. And presentation at UK Office of Library Networking Conference, July 1998. Paper available at Presentation available at
"Authenticity of Digital Resources: Towards a Statement of Requirements in the Research Process," with David Bearman, D-Lib Magazine June 1998. Available at
"When All You've Got Is 'The Real Thing': Museums and Authenticity in the Networked World," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Documentation Committee of ICOM/CIDOC, Nuremburg, 1997, and Archives and Museum Informatics: the cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly, Vol. 12, no. 2, 1998. Paper available at ; presentation at
"Electronic Records Research Working Meeting May 28-30, 1997: a report from the archives community," with D. Bearman, ASIS Bulletin, December 1997.
"The Art Museum Image Consortium: licensing museum digital documentation for educational use," with David Bearman, D-Lib Magazine, September, 1997. Available at
"Electronic Records Research: Towards Testable Specificity," with David Bearman., Archives and Museum, Informatics: the cultural heritage informatics quarterly, Vol. 11, no. 3-4, 1997, 309-321.
"Electronic Records Research Working Meeting, May 28-30, 1997: a report from the archives community," with David Bearman, D-Lib Magazine, July/August 1997. Available at
"Beyond Simple Resource Discovery: A framework for metadata declarations of disciplinary schema to support research in heterogeneous collections," with David Bearman. International Symposium on Information Technology in Museums - Integrated Applications, Bonn, Germany, December 1-2, 1997.
"Museums and Intellectual Property: Rethinking Rights Management for a Digital World," with David Bearman, Visual Resources, Special Issue, Copyright and Fair Use, The Great Image Debate, Vol. XII, no. 3-4, 1997, 269-280.
"New Models for Distributing Digital Content: The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project," Digital Imaging Access and Retrieval, ed. by. P. Bryan Header and Beth Sandore, the 33rd Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March 1996, Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 1997, 29-41. Paper available at Presentation available at
"The Arts and Humanities Data Service. Collecting digital research data; building a framework for digital resource preservation and interchange," with Daniel Greenstein, Ariadne (July/August, 1996) Available
"Images on the Network: Challenges and Opportunities," American Council of Learned Societies, Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 1996; and the ACLS Newsletter, Vol. 4, no. 4, February 1997, 6-8. Available at
"Framing the Picture: Standards for Imaging Systems," International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums, San Diego, October 1995 (presentation workshop). Paper also appears in David Bearman, ed., Multimedia Computing and Museums, Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums, Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics, 347-367. Available at
"The Getty AHIP Imaging Initiative: A Status Report," Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, London, England, July 1995. Also appearing in Archives and Museums Informatics, Cultural Heritage Information Quarterly, Vol. 9, no. 3, 1995, 262-278, and Information Services and Use, Vol. 15, no. 4, 1995, 353-364. Available at
"CD-ROM Resources for Art And Design," with Michael Large, Art Documentation, Fall, 1994.
"'On Speaking Terms': Towards Virtual Integration of Art Information," Knowledge Organization, Vol. 20 (1993), no. 1, 8-11. Preprint available at
"Integrating Access to the Collections of the Canadian Centre for Architecture," Computers in the History of Art, Winter, 1992.
"The Krug Brothers' Furniture Factory, Chesley, Ontario: Industrialization and Furniture Design in the late 19th Century," Material History Bulletin, Summer, 1990.
Invited International Presentations
“My Name is ___ and I am a Curator”, Curation Matters: The First Digital Curation Institute Conference, i-School, University of Toronto, June 17, 2010. Presentation slides and blog post at
“Museums and the Web: Current Issues”, Bridging the IP Gap, Realistic Models for Promoting Universal Access to Human Knowledge and Creativity, Keio University, January 24, 2009. Presentation slides at
“Access to Art Museums On-Line: A Role for Social Tagging and Folksonomy?” Keynote Address, Dublin Core Annual Meeting, September 2008, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Berlin, Germany. Presentation slides at
“ public and professional vocabularies”, Co-Presenter with D. Bearman. Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems and Services (NKOS) Workshop, 19 September 2008 during the European Digital Libraries Meeting. Blog entry and presentation slides:
“Social Tagging Museums: Research and Reflections”. National Digital Archive Program (NDAP) International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, March 20, 2008. Presentation Slides [pdf] at
“Social Tagging and Access to Collections” International Seminar on Electronic Documents: Management and Preservation, November 6, 2007, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Podcast: 23:39 min. [High Quality 34.2 MB] at Tagging and Access to Collections.m4a Presentation Slides [pdf - 11.1 MB] at
Tagging and Folksonomy: Improved access to art? a steve update. Dublin Core Annual Meeting in Singapore, August 2007. Podcast at and Folksonomy_ Improved access to art_ a steve update.html
Workshop on Museums and Technology. Council of American Jewish Museums Annual Meeting, January 2007. Presentation slides at
Social Tagging and Folksonomy in Art Museums: Accessibility Working Group, Dublin Core Annual Meeting, October 5, 2006. Podcast at
“Social software - and Web 2.0” Keynote presentation to the UK Museums Computer Group, July 8, 2006
"Investigating social tagging and folksonomy in the art museum with", with Bruce Wyman. A paper for the Tagging Workshop at WWW2006, Edinburgh, May 21, 2006 [pdf preprint]
Workshop on folksonomy for Metadata Schemas and Applications (FIS2186H) at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Studies, February 28, 2006. Available:
"Creating Cultural Content, AMICO's Strategy for Sustainability", Nobel Symposium: virtual museums and public understanding of science and culture, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden May 27, 2002. PDF version of Presentation Slides
Invited Speaker, Plenary Panel on networked art image resources. Art Libraries Society of North America, Visual Resources Association, Joint Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO
"Cultural Institutions in a Networked Environment", with David Bearman. Archives Libraries and Museums, Stockholm, Sweden. May 26, 2002. PDF version of Presentation Slides
"Museums in the Web of Collaboration, the AMICO Model", Archives Libraries and Museums, Stockholm, Sweden May 26, 2002. PDF version of Presentation Slides
"The web of collaboration: new technologies and new opportunities", Smith College Symposium :The Visual Arts in the Digital Age, in Northampton, Massachusetts, September 22, 2001. Paper available at Presentation available at
"Collaborative Cultural Resource Creation", Leadership Conference on Access to Special Collections, North Carolina March 2, 2000 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
"Yours, Mine, or Ours: Intellectual Property Issues ", American Federation of The Arts, AFA Directors' Forum November 1999 PDF version of paper:
Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO), museum multimedia for education", University of Pittsburgh, Art History Colloquium, November 2, 1999. PDF version of Presentation Slides
"Art Museum Image Consortium: enabling educational use of museum multimedia", MUZEA, Kulturni Dedictivi a digitalini revoluce, Prague, Czech Republic October 14, 1999. PDF version of Presentation Slides:
Jennifer Trant , "Art Museum Image Consortium ", Accesso Multimedia ao Partimonio Cultural, Porto, Portugal. October 7, 1999. PDF version of Presentation Slides
"Past Putting It Up: Rethinking Roles & Realities for cultural Heritage on the Web," Keynote Address, Common Heritage Access Through Virtual Museums, National Railway Museum, 22 June, 1998.
"Museums and Intellectual Property Rights: North American Initiatives", at Le nuove technologie: musei e beni culturale, Milan, 9 July, 1997
"Integrating access to resources across multiple domains: Image Metadata and the Research Process", MODELS Workshop, Warwick, UK, December 19, 1996. Available at
Research Reports
J. Trant, Tagging, Folksonomy and Art Museums: Results of the research project, December 2008. IMLS Research Project Report available at
J. Trant. Understanding Searches of a Contemporary Art Museum Catalogue: A Preliminary Study. 2006. Report available at
Survey of Museum Web Implementations, 2005, with David Bearman. Available:
Conference Presentations and Other Writings
Co-Presenter. Should You Care about Social Tagging? – Findings and Recommendations from Museum Computer Network, Washington, D.C., November 14, 2008. Presentation slides at
Co-Presenter. an update. Museum Computer Network in Chicago, November 9, 2007
Co-Presenter. Social Tagging and Folksonomy: and access to art. Museum Computer Network, November 9, 2006. Presentation slides at
Co-Presenter, “folksonomy and the art museum: introducing and proving the concepts behind” in conjunction with the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, April 28, 2006.
Chair: “Steve: A Tool for Exploring Folksonomy in the Museum”. Museum Computer Network (MCN) November 4, 2005.
“AMICO On-line User Survey - Preliminary Results”, with David Bearman, Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO) Users Session, 2003 Annual Members Meeting, LaJolla, California May 8, 2003.
“Art Museum Image Consortium: Creating a Collaborative Cultural Resource,” with David Bearman, Museum Studies Colloquium Series, University of Toronto November 8, 2002 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“ip issues in delivering a multimedia library to educational institutions”, NINCH Copyright Town Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, October 27 2001. PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Open concepts: museum digital documentation for education through the AMICO Library”, with David Bearman and Kelly Richmond: International Cultural Heritage Meeting, 2001, Milano, Italy. Presentation available at
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), Washington, DC, April 9-10, 2001 AMICO Update. HTML Handout :
“Providing Educators Access to Museum Documentation”, CAA/ NINCH Intellectual Property Meeting, College Art Association Conference, Chicago, IL, March 3, 2001 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Collaborative Administration of Educational Rights”, Visual Resources Association Conference, Chicago, IL March 2, 2001 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Art Museum Image Consortium: Creating a Collaborative Cultural Resource”, Jennifer Trant and David Bearman, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, February 7, 2001, PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO), museum multimedia for education”, University of Pittsburgh, Digital Media Lecture February, 16, 2000 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Using Knowledge Models in AMICO”, International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting - ichim99. September 24, 1999 PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“Art Museum Image Consortium: a Cultural Digital Library for educational users”, with David Bearman. CIDOC/MDA, London, England. September 9, 1999. PDF version of Presentation Slides:
“AMICO Update” with David Bearman, AMICO. Museum Computer Network, 1998
PDF of presentation slides: Chair: Members Panel: Susan Chun, Robin Dowden, Ken Hamma, and Doug Hiwiller
“The Art Museum Image Consortium,” presentation to the Committee on Fair Use (CONFU), May 1998. Available at
“Introducing AMICO”, presentation with David Bearman, Visual Resources Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 7, 1998. Available at
“The Art Museum Image Consortium: licensing museum digital documentation for educational use,” with David Bearman, Spectra, Fall 1997. Available at
“Beyond Putting It Up: Licensing Museum Content for Educational Use,” Museum Computer Network Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October, 1997. Available at
“The Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) and the UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN): A co-ordinated strategy to identify shared metadata requirements. A proposal to the Information Services Sub-Committee (ISSC) of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils (HEFCs). Submitted by L. Dempsey and D. Greenstein. Drafted by J. Trant. September 6, 1996. Available at Archived at
“Images on the Networks: Challenges and Possibilities,” Art Libraries Society, UK and Ireland, Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, July, 1996.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing (MESL) Project: Enabling educational use of digital museum collections.” Digital Resources for the Humanities, Somerville College, Oxford University, July 1996. Available at
“Exploring New Models for Distributing Digital Content: The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,” Ontario Association of Art Galleries Annual Meeting, Toronto, June, 1996.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project: New Models for Accessing Museum Intellectual Property,” Advances in Digital Libraries, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., May, 1996.
“Introduction to Imaging,” College Art Association Annual Meeting, Boston, February, 1996.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project (MESL): New Models for Licensing Intellectual Property,” College Art Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, February, 1996.
“Enabling Educational Use of Museum Digital Materials: The Museum Educational Site Licensing (MESL) Project,” The Electronic Imaging and Visual Arts Conference, Florence, Italy, February 8-9, 1996. Available at
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing (MESL) Project: An Update,” Spectra, the Journal of the Museum Computer Network, Spring 1996. Available at
“Models for Administering Intellectual Property: The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,” Canadian Association of Art Museum Directors, Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario, April 1995.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project (MESL): An Introduction,” Coalition for Networked Information, Washington, D.C. April. 1995.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,” Spectra, the Journal of the Museum Computer Network, Spring 1995. Available at
“Introduction to Imaging” with Howard Besser. Visual Resources Association, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 1995.
“The Getty AHIP Imaging Initiative and The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,” College Art Association Annual Meeting, January, 1995.
“The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project,” Education and Cultural Heritage: Solid Partners for the NII, Washington, DC, January 1995.
“Describing Imaging Files: The Need for a Technical Standard,” with Howard Besser, Coalition for Networked Information, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 1994. Available at
“Which Image? Which Text?” ICOM/CIDOC Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August, 1994. Available at
“The Architectural Image: Problems and Opportunities for Access,” for Images in Libraries Museums and Archives: Description and Intellectual Access, PACSCL Summer Seminar, 1993.
“The Art Information Task Force, and the Future,” College Art Association, Annual Meeting, January, 1993.
“The Avery Cataloguing Manual,” Book Review for the Newsletter of the Association of Architectural Librarians, February, 1993.
“International Standards Organizations from an Institutional Perspective. CCA's experience with FDA and ADAG,” for CIDOC Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, May, 1991.
“Why Integrate? Automating Access to the Collections of the Canadian Centre for Architecture,” for Museum Computer Network Annual Conference, Richmond, Virginia, October, 1990.
“The Krug Brothers' Furniture Factory, Chesley: An Example of Nineteenth Century Furniture Production in Ontario,” Recent Research in Architecture in Canada, York University, 1987.
“The Appearance of the 'Bombé Facade' in British Architectural Publications of the Eighteenth Century; A Typological Study of the Literature,” Young Scholars in Art History, Concordia University, 1986.